LET`S TALK BUSINESS. PR Business in Luxembourg.

LET`S TALK BUSINESS. PR Business in Luxembourg.

If you asked me whether I, as a PR professional, would prefer to meet and brief media representatives personally or digitally, I‘d most of the time say, personally. But since a press conference on 26 February 2021, that I was responsible to organize for the European Capital of Culture Esch2022, was not possible to be hold physically, we simply needed to launch our international communication for and around Esch2022 digitally. Just as some other, smaller press briefings last year too. But this time the mission was big: Giving an overview on the cultural programm as well as insights on many different projects that are currently developed with partners, individuals, insititutions, ministries and others. We presented around 30 of those in total, under the motto “Remix Future”.

But how to create and share interesting, engaging yet complete content? How to introduce a complexe project that speaks culture, society, inclusion, history, future, art, tourism, sustainable development, to name but a few of its dimensions? Just having people talking while they are sitting behind a table and looking into the camera, showing a power point presentation, was not an option this time. So we produced, with the help of strong partners (mainly Freecaster & BCE), sort of a TV program including live keynotes and live talk rounds with project partners, pre-recoreded video interviews with more project leaders, statements of ministers, presentations in a green box that have been produced at the BCE studios at RTL, several films (Thanks, Skin and Urban Time Travel)... So, real content that was then professionally put together to create a programm lasting 4 hours in total. It was presented with breaks in between, but has been consumed by the press step by step, of course, also along their field of interest. Thanks to a detailed agenda, that was shared in advance and placed well visible together with the livestream, everyone knew exactly which topic is presented and which person is speaking. All is still available in our newsroom (www.esch2022.lu/presse) and our website (www.esch2022.lu/news) and used for Esch2022 own media channels as well as for presentations by team members.

Almost 2.000 unique visitors followed the Press Day on the 26th, while staying up to 1,5 hours “with us” - among them were embassies, communes, citizens, supporters, besides journalists from around 10 countries. Of course, media representatives were able to send in their questions during the Press Day that have been answered partly live, partly afterwards.

We – together with our PR agencies - secured around 100 articles in our key target markets in print, digital and audiovisual media and reached out to (potentially) 4.56 Mio. readers during/immediately after this digital Press Day. And we gained 2,5% of new followers on our Social Media Channels (organic grow) around that day. Of course with a great team of experts working on this with me in the Social Web. Exciting experience and great team work, much more work though than organizing a physical press conference, but also with much bigger effects - and sustainable content production. So, PR professionals out there, find your right partners, involve internal teams, tell the right stories in a right way, and think big, it’s worth it!


Thanks to all team members of Esch2022, above all Dany Lucas and his team, leading the event production, and all fantastic agencies and production companies from Luxembourg and beyond, for being a supportive and active part of this adventure. More to come…

Meet the entire team, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more on www.esch2022.lu

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SCHUEBERFOUER. More than just a fun fair.