I DIED (UN)HAPPY IN MY SLEEP. Sill lifes by Max Dauphin at The Farm.

I DIED (UN)HAPPY IN MY SLEEP. Sill lifes by Max Dauphin at The Farm.

"When I recently read in The Guardian that mankind has already eradicated 60% of the wildlife since 1970, it made me think again," says Max Dauphin. Moderate consumption, appreciation of wildlife and nature with simultaneous tolerance for individual behaviors, as long as people do not forget to reflect self-critically and act moderately. This consideration is based on the new works of the Luxembourg artist.

"I died (un)happy in my sleep" is the title of his new solo exhibition that can be seen from this weekend on until 31 December. His still lifes show hunted animals as victims of mankind and toy guns as symbols for (un)sustainable lifestyles.

"The exhibition was created in collaboration with the hosts of The Farm," says Dauphin. "Here comes meat on the table, so why not let the guests just reflect a little bit?“. The theme and location of the current works were born. The message is not a condemnation, more an unpretentious confrontation that the artist has brought to canvas with a neutral attitude and acrylic colour. 

The focus is on animals of the forest such as fox, rabbit and deer, which are flanked by self-made, simple toy weapons partly made of wooden branches. Max Dauphin tells stories in his still lifes that are reminiscent of our childhood.

The building, which since this year houses the pop-up restaurant The Farm in the Luxembourg district of Hollerich, was in the past home to a catering business and will be demolished. The exhibition is also a tribute to this place. Where food and drinks from the region are served today in the rustic, stylish ambience of an urban farm, animals were once processed and stored.

Visits are possible during the opening hours of the restaurant The Farm:

Wednesday through Friday 12-14h / 18-23:30 h ; Saturday 18-23:30h

From 30 November on through 31 December. Limited access during holidays (info through The Farm: +352 691 262 696.

Max Dauphin
Max Dauphin The Farm
Max Dauphin The Farm
Max Dauphin
HARD TRUTHS. An exhibition at Cercle Cité.

HARD TRUTHS. An exhibition at Cercle Cité.